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Senior Project: AUC Vent

Ihab Bassily

Mina Rafik

Dr. Mohamed Serry

Dr. Omar Abdelaziz

Project Collaborators

Nour El Sheikh

Mohamed Abed 


This is the demonstration video of our undergraduate senior project that we presented to our faculty. Our project's objective was to design and make a modular, low cost, and open source emergency mechanical ventilator with a 3D printed casing to help combat the shortages of ventilators that resulted from the pandemic. The video shows the design, our in house made printed circuit board and the rest of the electronics, the weight, and the graphical user interface of our mechanical ventilator. 

 The ventilator houses three pressure sensors, an oxygen control valve, an oxygen concentration sensor, a 30,000 rpm medical grade compressor, and positive pressure valve.  Check out our project's poster below.

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